Castling and Checkmate
Castling Castling is the easiest way to get your king to safety in the early stages of the game. To perform castling: Move your king two squares to the right or left, depending on whether you want to castle queenside or kingside, then take the corresponding rook and move it to the other side of the king. Example: The white king castled kingside, while the black king castled queenside. A few additional rules: -The king can not castle when in check -Neither of the squares it passes through can be controlled by an opponents piece to castle. -The king can not not castle if it has moved, or if either of the rooks have moved. If one of the rooks have moved, then you can castle the other side. -Neither of the squares connecting the rook and king can be occupied by any other pieces Ways in which the game can end: Checkmate: Checkmate occurs when a king is checked, and the king can not legally escape, either by moving out of check, capturing the checking piece, or block the path of ...